Secondments, the opportunity to EXPERIENCE a new role in the partnership 

A secondment is a formal temporary transfer from one job role to a different job role within the Partnership.

Secondments provide Partners with new opportunities to develop their skills and gain new experience in a different job role. Secondments should be for a limited period of time, after which the Partner returns to their original (home) role, provided this remains available. 

The link below will take you to  Workday, here you can search for careers, which will show all current vacancies across the business.


JLP Job page is a useful tool to see the positions available in the business that are being advertised externally. Not all roles in the business are advertised externally. 

JLP Jobs page details the different roles in our business and has videos which can support your understanding of different roles.

The site also has details to prepare you for the application process, including 'About the Partnership' and how to apply and what to expect. 

the site also highlights the areas where recruitment is currently focused on. This will be where friends and family will need to go to find a role in the Partnership.


Workday is a valuable tool in the search for Secondment opportunities. Many Secondments are not advertised externally due to the nature of them being only for a temporary period of time. 

When on your Workday home, click on the Careers icon, you can then search here for various opportunities across the partnership. To filter for Secondment opportunities only, look for 'Worker type' and select 'Secondee' 

You can use Workday to apply and manage your application. Before applying for new opportunities, whether temporary or permanent it's always recommended to speak to you line manager.